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      From the blog...

      12 Salad Days Of Christmas

             Healthy Holiday entertaining doesn't need to add more stress to your full plate! Salad Girl has created 12 beautiful holiday salads that can be prepared in less than 5 minutes each using the healthy and tasty convenience of our lovely organic vinaigrettes as well as taking advantage of all the new and interesting pre-prepped ingredients available to us in all of our area markets!   *Hints for one stop ingredient shopping for...

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      Time to Celebrate Stone Fruit

      Time to Celebrate Stone Fruit

      Stone Fruits: Peaches, Nectarines, Plums, Apricots, and Cherries. Peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots, and cherries are all members of the Prunus genus and are therefore closely related. They commonly are referred to as "stone fruits" because the seed is very large and hard. Summer time is the ideal fresh stone fruit season, so let's celebrate these little beauties in some delicious salads! COLORADO PEACHES ARE HERE!

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      More Simple Summer Suppers...

      More Simple Summer Suppers...

        Fresh Organic Watemelon & Grilled Chicken Salad w/ Lemony Herb...                               Simple Summer Suppers are a necessity in my household, especially at the end of some of these hot, humid Summer days. I am an open-windows-in-the-Summertime kind of gal and If I lived alone, I wouldn't even turn on a burner. But since I am still blessed with the company...

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      Salad Girl for Breakfast? Fantastic!

      Salad Girl for Breakfast?  Fantastic!

      How often do you eat the exact same thing for breakfast day after day? Have you ever tried Salad Girl on something other than a salad.  Our dressings make amazing grilling marinades for meats, seafood, and veggies.  They are delicious as sandwich condiments and dips. Try a delectable combo of toast/bagel/croissant with a poached egg, avocado, spinach, and Salad Girl Lemony Herb for breakfast or for your next brunch gathering.  You'll never go back to...

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